Visionnaire developed a PHP-based system for the ANPAD events website with several features
Summarized Problem
Summarized Solution
Detailed Problem
ANPAD needed a system for its website with events information, available in Portuguese,
English and Spanish and responsive for smartphones, tablets and desktops. The data was in a PostgreSQL database that had to
be migrated to MySQL.
The administrative system
for the ANPAD events website should make it possible to update information on the website, with a series of resources, for
example, the registration of users from different groups (Administrators, Division Coordinators, Theme Leaders and Evaluators)
and control of the work evaluation flow according to these four levels of user groups.
It was also necessary to create a website for participants to register for events,
and registrations should be parameterized into categories such as Student, Associate etc. Such a site would also need to have
the option of sending a file proving the participant's category in order to release specific discounts depending on the category.
Another need for ANPAD was a system for staging and programming generation, that is,
an area for registering available rooms and times for presenting work with staging for presenting works according to the register
of available rooms, registering restrictions on days and times of participants, generation of the schedule after testing,
and an online system for issuing certificates with a unique validation code.
Detailed Solution
The administrative system developed by Visionnaire with PHP for ANPAD allows the website
information to be updated and includes all required resources, such as user categories and control of the work evaluation
process according to these categories.
An event registration website was also created with options for registration categories
such as Student, Associate etc., making it possible to send documents proving the participant's category to apply specific
discounts according to the category.
Visionnaire also complied with ANPAD's requirement for a system for allocating rooms
and generating programming, including registering rooms and times available for presenting work, allocating work according
to available rooms, restrictions on participants' days and times, generation of programming after allocation, and an online
system for issuing certificates with unique validation codes.