Approximately 100 people were trained in systems development through a Visionnaire program



Summarized Problem
Following the success of the iOS Training Program in 2018, Visionnaire, Bradesco, and PUCPR joined forces again in 2022 to train and certify even more people in a wider range of modern technologies beyond Apple’s system. 

Summarized Solution
The Talent Attraction and Training Program trained and certified around 100 people in systems development with a course that encompassed the most modern development technologies. 

In 2022, the Talent Attraction and Training Program was revamped to include more technologies, achieving even more impressive numbers than its first successful iteration. For the second edition, over 600 people applied, with 102 accepted and distributed as follows: 25 in Front-End, 30 in Back-End, 24 in DevOps, 10 in Android, and 13 in iOS. 

A total of 29 participants were hired by Visionnaire and Bradesco to work on specific projects for the financial institution. The program aimed to internalize the best performers into Bradesco after a period. As a result, many of these 29 were insourced and continued their careers at the institution, demonstrating the program's evolution from the first to the second edition. 

The 2018 iOS Training Program covered all major Apple technologies, from basic to advanced aspects. The Talent Attraction and Training Program was divided into five tracks: Front-End, Back-End, DevOps, Native Android, and Native iOS. The Front-End track focused on client-side programming technical aspects, the Back-End on server-side programming, and the DevOps track on development and operations technical aspects. The Native Android and Native iOS tracks focused on technical aspects for developing native mobile applications for Google and Apple platforms, respectively. Depending on the track, the duration ranged from six to nine months. 

The classes were practical, mainly held in PUCPR’s computer labs, covering topics for detailed participant training, including:

  • Financial Products
  • Site Reliability Engineering (S.R.E.)
  • Management by Indicators
  • Lean and Agile
  • Performance
  • Quantum Computing and Security
  • Secure Development
  • Agile, PMBok, and Management
  • Processes and Procedures
  • Motivation and Continuous Learning. 

Visionnaire - Bradesco

Detailed Problem
In recent years, there has been a growing demand for Information Technology (IT) professionals, especially software developers. The supply of skilled professionals has been insufficient due to factors like continuous technological advancements, driving company digitalization across various sectors, therefore increasing the need for qualified professionals to develop and maintain systems and applications. Additionally, the expansion of e-commerce, social networks, and the Internet of Things has created new opportunities and demands in the IT sector. 

The rapid evolution of technologies requires constant skill updates, making it challenging to train a workforce at the same pace. Moreover, intense competition among companies for technical talent has led to a shortage of experienced and qualified professionals. In summary, the rising demand for software development and IT professionals in recent years has been impacted by rapid technological transformation and market needs, resulting in a significant talent shortage. This shortage is even more notable for iOS development, given the higher cost of Apple devices. 

This was the scenario faced by Scopus Development Systems, part of the Bradesco Group, in 2018. Observing the shortage of skilled professionals for iOS application development, the two organizations needed to address the situation, and the first edition of the Talent Attraction and Training Program (then called iOS Training Program) was a huge success. 

Four years later, a new edition of the initiative was necessary to keep it updated, modern, and innovative. After the 2020 pandemic, digital businesses grew even more worldwide, prompting Visionnaire and Bradesco, in partnership with PUCPR, to launch the Talent Attraction and Training Program, aiming to attract and train professionals in modern technologies and offer employability opportunities to outstanding participants through projects at Bradesco and Visionnaire. The second edition expanded to cover more technologies beyond iOS. 

Detailed Solution
The Talent Attraction and Training Program opened for applications in June 2022, with certificate issuance a year later. The two main goals were systems development training in various technologies, not just iOS, the focus of the initial endeavor four years prior, and employability for standout students who could participate in projects at Visionnaire and Bradesco. 

Held in Curitiba, Paraná, the Talent Attraction and Training Program was free for participants and open to all interested students from PUCPR, other universities, and already employed non-students. 

A selection process conducted by PUCPR chose program participants from over 600 applicants, prioritizing those available during business hours due to the program’s employability goal. The process included an initial test followed by interviews. During the initial selection, PUCPR suggested the best curriculum considering the majority’s availability. 

Visionnaire, Bradesco, and PUCPR promoted progress meetings with students, where representatives discussed class progress with participants. We believe the initiative should go beyond classrooms, involving listening to participants and tracking their progress, as well as sharing course progress overall. There was also a ceremony to deliver course completion certificates, available both digitally and physically. 

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