Softwares of all the complexities, of all forms, of all technologies. In all these years, you do not even need to talk about how many different technologies have passed.

In 2015 Visionnaire will be 19 years old.
Nearly 20 years experience in software development!
Software of all complexities, all forms, all technologies. In all these years, you don't even have to talk about
how many different technologies have passed.
And in all these years, Visionnaire has done its best. Transform your customers' business for the better.
Our clients have experience in their own lines of business. Be it financial, be it healthcare,
telecommunications, commerce, industry, education, government, economics, social, Internet, Startups, and so many others.
Our business is to develop software. We have experience in this.
Our customers 'business is different, and we develop our customers' business in the technology world. For the
And it is precisely the “union” of these two experiences that Visionnaire connects.
“We connect experiences to turn businesses into systems of all complexities.”
We develop corporate systems, Internet systems, mobile systems, and transform the business of our customers.
Since 1996 focused purely on software development, and with extensive experience in enterprise systems, we can be delighted to say, "Software is our business."
Software in the age of “consumerization”
When we were born (almost 20 years ago) software was a few need. Mostly large companies, which had the ability
to make large investments in technology to improve their processes.
Traveling fast for 20 years ahead…
Software today is a necessity for many, not just large companies, but businesses of all sizes. And also people.
The explosion of smart mobile devices in recent years has allowed a huge portion of the world's population to
access software, and in their hands, all the time!
These are the consumers. Just as they consume everything in their daily lives (such as appliances, food, electronics,
etc.), they also consume software.
And it is precisely because of this change, which is a fundamental change, that developing software is not the
same today as it was years ago.
Software developed and placed in the hands of consumers today has to be user-friendly software that is beautifully
designed, fast, intuitive and works everywhere, on every computer, and on every device.
Moreover, it has to be developed very quickly and at a highly competitive cost.
And it has to be global. And it has to be attractive.
But does not stop there. Also can not give error. It has to work all the time (99.9% availability), it has to
run if possible on every browser in the market (even Internet Explorer). It has to be operating system independent. It may
not require expensive database needs, it has to use open source platforms as much as possible. And even better if it is compatible
with open industry standards. That has a high reuse rate. Good even if you still use open source market frameworks to further
accelerate the development process.
And don't forget, it can't be expensive to do all that. And those who do have to give a good service. It has
to be "partner".
We do it all.
In fact, we do just that. Perhaps precisely for this reason, and not by chance, we have been in the market for 19 years, with satisfied customers (or rather partners).
And it's just the beginning ...
Twenty years seems like a lot, especially when it comes to "years of computing," but on the other hand, it seems
We have the feeling we started yesterday. Even as we are in our late teens, we have the spirit of adolescence,
the same spirit as when we started, back in 1995/1996, in the corridors of the academic environment of computer universities,
at a time when the Internet, as we know it today. , was also a baby.
So we have the feeling that these 19 years are just the beginning!
What is to come is even greater. It will be even faster. With more technological changes. And with broader, global
reach, reaching more people at all times.
Welcome to the age of experience.
We connect experiences!