Discover how the technology that talks to you really works

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more present in our daily lives, transforming how we interact with technology and driving innovations in various sectors. One of the main contributors to this popularization is GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), an advanced AI model capable of understanding and generating texts in a surprisingly natural way.
Used in virtual assistants, chatbots, automated content creation, and much more, GPT has been a milestone in the evolution of natural language processing, making interactions between humans and machines more accessible and efficient. In this post, we will explain in simple terms how this technology works and why it is at the center of the digital revolution we are experiencing today.
What is GPT?
GPT is an Artificial Intelligence model designed to generate text. In simple terms, it is a “machine” trained to understand and produce human language, performing tasks such as answering questions, writing texts, and even assisting in programming. GPT can process and generate information naturally, almost as if it were participating in a conversation.
How does GPT work?
GPT operates through a structure called a “neural network”, inspired by the human brain. It is “pre-trained” on large volumes of text from the internet. During this training, the model learns language patterns such as grammar, vocabulary, and even context nuances. When you ask a question or request a text to be generated, GPT uses this knowledge to predict which word or phrase should come next.
Imagine a word puzzle where GPT fills in the missing pieces based on everything it has seen during its training.
Why is GPT Useful for Businesses?
GPT is a powerful tool for optimizing customer service processes, content creation, and automating repetitive tasks. Companies from various sectors are using this technology to improve productivity and provide better experiences for customers. For example, it can be used in chatbots to answer common questions automatically and efficiently.
The Future of GPT and Artificial Intelligence
With each new version of GPT, the capabilities of natural language processing become more advanced. This means that interactions between humans and machines will become increasingly fluid and accurate. We are just at the beginning of how GPT and Artificial Intelligence will transform entire sectors, from marketing to healthcare.
GPT at Visionnaire
As part of our DNA, we are always “embracing” new technologies and trends. For example, we already use a chatbot on our website to answer questions about the company, our offerings, and services.
Not only that, but we have the expertise to help your business make the best possible use of Artificial Intelligence through GPT. Have you ever imagined having a virtual assistant that answers the questions of leads and customers, just to name one example? It’s possible, and much more.
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