Sergio Mainetti Jr., Director of Visionnaire, participates in a chat about OKR

We want to share that Visionnaire's Director, Sergio Mainetti Jr., was present in a live chat, streamed on YouTube, about OKR, a Performance Management Cycle Model. The conversation was organized by the Association of Brazilian Information Technology Companies (Assespro-Paraná). Adriano Krzyuy, President of Assespro-PR and Ricardo Pereira, Founder of Rookau, also participated.
OKR, meaning Objectives and Key Results, is a model that addresses both teams and entire organizations. It is an efficient way to monitor individual and collective goals that impact a company's performance. Giant structures, such as Intel, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft, use OKR as a management model, however, it is adaptable to institutions of the most varied sizes and segments.
Transparency is one of the main advantages of the OKR method, since all members of an organization know the objectives set. This is what brings a collective commitment for an organization to achieve its goals - always considering that the stipulated results should be measurable, preferably.
Visionnaire has experience with OKR in practice. We have been using this management model for six years, and we can attest for ourselves that it is the method that best fits our organization, objectives, and goals.
As Sergio Mainetti Jr. said during the conversation: “At Visionnaire, we have been using it for some time and it came in handy with the Agile Methodology that we invested, we plunged into it too, at about the same time.” He also points out: “All the other methodologies that we used for management and goals did not work. OKR worked”.
You can watch the full chat via the link below.