SECOVI-PR quickly integrated all its portals using Visionnaire WebPublication
SECOVI-PR – Sindicato da Habitação e Condomínios do Paraná
SECOVI-PR – Sindicato da Habitação e Condomínios do Paraná
Create a new internet portal for SECOVI-PR in a fast and productive way, and at a competitive cost, that included all units of the Secovi System (UNIHAB, INESPAR, SECOVIMED, CMA-PR and Chave Fácil) and that allowed content inclusion through a content management tool, without the need for technical staff.
The Visionnaire WebPublication platform was used, which allowed, in record time, with the use of templates, all sites to be online, at a low cost of implementation, and with the content being published by non-technical personnel.
With the solution deployed by Visionnaire, it was possible to integrate all SECOVI-PR portals in record time, at a competitive cost.
The Visionnaire WebPublication Content Management System (CMS) was used. Other technologies used were Java language, integration with .NET systems through ASP.NET, Windows operating system, Windows Server, Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Apache Tomcat, XML, XSL, XSTL, JSP, Ajax / DWR, JQuery and SQL Server database.

Detailed problem
SECOVI-PR (Brazilian Portuguese for the State of Paraná Housing and Condominium Union) needed to remodel its internet portal with the use of a Content Management System tool.
As SEVOVI-PR also has other institutions within its administration, it was also necessary for the tool to support the creation and integration of various sites and subsites, which are: UNIHAB (Free University of the Real Estate and Condominium Market), INESPAR (State of Paraná’s Institute for Research and Development of the Real Estate and Condominium Market), SECOVIMED (Social Housing Service), CMA-PR (State of Paraná’s Mediation and Arbitration Chamber) and Chave Fácil ( “Easy Key”, SECOVI-PR’s Real Estate Portal).
The main requirement was to enable non-technical personnel (that is, without knowledge of Web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) to publish content in a decentralized manner, following a workflow. All of this quickly, using predefined templates to accelerate the solution's implementation. The use of Visionnaire WebPublication, which is a solution for managing content and creating portals without the need of technical staff for publication, made it possible to solve the needs of SECOVI-PR.
Detailed solution
The solution designed was the use of Visionnaire WebPublication with the application of predefined templates to speed up the deployment. In 15 days, the project was already in test operation and, in 30 days, the new SECOVI-PR portal, including all sites and subsites, was in production. Currently, all content is managed by SECOVI-PR personnel, without the need for long interactions with technical personnel.
Case Brochure
Case Presentation