Visionnaire allocated IT professionals (PHP developers) at Telemont, and the best were later hired by the company

Visionnaire specializes in finding the ideal professionals for highly technical positions in the Information Technology (IT) area, even in a context of fierce competition. This is because we have rigorous recruitment processes.
And a differential of Visionnaire is the possibility of insourcing. This means that, through our team specialized in Human Resources (HR), we carry out the entire Recruitment & Selection process to find the right professional, and the hiring can be done directly by your company. Visionnaire performs the entire pre-selection process of professionals, who are referred for interviews at our client’s facilities, and the client leads the conversation to decide upon hiring.
We have as an example a Success Case involving Telemont, which has been operating in Brazil for over 45 years, providing end-to-end services in the areas of telecommunications, energy and IT. The company offers, for example, voice, broadband and data communication, information technology, multimedia transport, and energy system management.
Telemont needed professionals specialized in PHP, but not only that: it was necessary to find people who fit the company's organizational culture. Visionnaire understood this need and helped the company assertively through the allocation of professionals with the possibility of insourcing.
By allocation, it is understood the outsourcing of IT professionals at Telemont's facilities. It means that the professionals are from Visionnaire and outsourced at Telemont. By insourcing, it is understood and foreseen the possibility of these professionals becoming part of Telemont's staff after the outsourcing period. In this case, it is as if Visionnaire had carried out a long-term Recruitment and Selection (Hunting) process for Telemont.
In other words: Visionnaire, through a joint effort between the technical team and the Human Resources area specialized in IT, sought, found and selected candidates for the opportunity, who were forwarded for interviews at Telemont. Those approved were hired by Visionnaire to work on Telemont projects. Over time, the partnership proved fruitful, and the best allocated were insourced as planned.
Learn more about this Success Case at this link.