Visionnaire assembled specialized professionals in various technologies for BrasilSat

Visionnaire - BrasilSat

Currently, many companies are facing significant challenges in finding professionals specialized in the field of Information Technology (IT). The intensification of digitalization and the rapid technological evolution have increased the demand for IT specialists, far exceeding the availability of qualified professionals. Roles such as developers, software engineers, data analysts, and system administrators are becoming increasingly difficult to fill due to intense competition for talent and a shortage of candidates with the necessary skills. 

In this context, the role of the Tech Recruiter emerges as an essential solution. This professional specializes in identifying, attracting, and hiring IT talent, possessing deep knowledge of current technologies and the technical skills required by companies, as well as expertise in human resources management. 

The Tech Recruiter not only understands the technical specifics of the positions but also assesses the cultural compatibility of candidates with the company, ensuring that the hiring is beneficial for both the professional and the organization. By utilizing an extensive network of contacts, specialized platforms, and advanced recruitment techniques, these professionals can find and attract qualified candidates who are often not actively seeking new opportunities but perfectly match the needs of the companies. 

Therefore, the role of the Tech Recruiter is crucial in helping companies navigate the competitive IT job market, providing a strategic advantage in acquiring specialized talent and contributing to the success of the organizations' technological projects. 

BrasilSat Success Case 

BrasilSat, a Brazilian company specializing in telecommunications, renewable energy, metal structures, and agribusiness, faced significant challenges in recruiting qualified Information Technology (IT) professionals. Despite offering customized products and services across Brazil, the company struggled to fill crucial IT roles, particularly for PL/SQL Developers, Benner ERP Systems Developers, and Oracle Forms/Reports Developers. A study by Indeed highlighted the severe shortage of IT talent, with many IT job openings remaining unfilled for extended periods due to high demand and limited supply. 

To overcome this challenge, BrasilSat partnered with Visionnaire, a company specializing in Hunting, a targeted recruitment process for highly specialized professionals. Visionnaire’s expertise in this area allowed them to conduct a meticulous selection process that assessed both the technical skills and cultural fit of candidates. Their comprehensive approach included screening, initial interviews, and ongoing monitoring, ensuring that only the most suitable candidates were presented to BrasilSat. 

Visionnaire successfully filled the critical IT positions, including the Oracle Forms/Reports Developer role that had been vacant for two years. This success was attributed not only to the technical qualifications of the candidates but also to their alignment with BrasilSat's corporate culture. Through Visionnaire’s advanced recruitment techniques and extensive network, BrasilSat managed to overcome a common challenge in today’s business landscape: hiring highly specialized professionals essential for technological development. 

In summary, Visionnaire played a crucial role in helping BrasilSat meet its recruitment needs, enabling the company to secure the IT talent necessary to drive its ongoing innovation and growth. 

Check out this Success Story in detail at this link.