With help from Visionnaire, Enaex Britanite found the ideal professionals to fill highly complex vacancies in more than one opportunity

The Information Technology market is one of the most competitive there is. Therefore, a figure of paramount importance is the Tech Recruiter, that is, a specialist recruiter in finding and hiring talent in the technology area.
In addition to the skills inherent to Recruitment & Selection activities, a Tech Recruiter is also knowledgeable about new technologies and cultures of different companies. All this to find the ideal professional in such a competitive scenario.
We can give as an example of a Success Case our relationship with Enaex Britanite, which emerged in 1961, in Curitiba, simply as a Fábrica de Explosivos Britanite (Britanite Explosives Factory), created to pave the way for major infrastructure works planned for the following decades. In 2015, Enaex, leader in the production of ammonium nitrate and belonging to the Chilean group Sigdo Koppers, acquired all the shares of Britanite.
Like many other ventures, Enaex Britanite is faced with a modern difficulty: hiring professionals specialized in the area of Information Technology (IT). The company felt the need to resort to specialists to find the best professionals in the technology area for different projects.
Visionnaire searched and selected the right professionals for the specific needs of Enaex Britanite on different occasions. Through our specialized HR team, we fully conducted each Recruitment and Selection process and found the right professionals, using our network and modern technologies for faster and more assertive searches.
You can learn more about this Success Case by clicking on this link.