This Success Case shows how Visionnaire solutions can make your day easier and you may not even know

You are highly likely to take advantage of solutions that were developed in part or in full by Visionnaire, but do not even realize it. For example, we have a system that is present in thousands of cash machines throughout Brazil.
This is because the company in the financial sector that is responsible for a network of cash machines that covers more than 100 million customers from 43 banks (and whose name needs to be kept secret for contractual reasons) needed a solution to make it available, more quickly and with less cost, new modalities of electronic financial transactions.
The project was complex and had several requirements. For example, both horizontal and vertical scalability, that is, being flexible to offer new types of transactions over time. It also needed to meet the specifics of the Brazilian transaction processing system in the ISO 8583 standard. There were still other requirements, such as readiness, portability, performance, and security.
There were also specific requirements for the technical team to properly handle the project, for example: at least two years of experience with J2EE, in addition to knowledge in Enterprise JavaBeans, WebSphere family, UNIX operating system, Oracle database, design patterns and financial transactions of the ISO 8583 standard.
Visionnaire, in close partnership with the contracting company, created a framework for the agile development of financial transactions, following all determined guidelines. The solution makes it possible to carry out the requested transactions at cash machines and is ready to meet the demands for the development of new transaction packages as new institutions delegate the care of part or all of their self-service network to the contracting company. With the solution developed in conjunction with Visionnaire, the company in the financial sector was able to reduce the average time for developing new transactions by 75%.
Well, if you use an ATM outside bank branches, you can count on Visionnaire. Learn more about this Success Case by clicking on the link below.