Soflinc - System for Sales Processing in Various Establishments
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Soflinc - System for Sales Processing in Various Establishments

Visionnaire developed a system with many payment methods for different establishments


IT Solutions 

Summarized Problem
Create a system designed to facilitate sales transactions targeted at businesses that operate primarily at night. It was essential that this system could be incorporated directly into the establishments' points of sale. 

Summarized Solution
Through outsourcing of IT professionals and great ability to adapt to customer needs, specialist developers from Visionnaire led the creation of the system in question according to Soflinc's demands. The main technology used was Kotlin, and the solution offers several payment methods: cash, debit, credit, PIX (Brazilian digital payment system) and even courtesy when this is possible. 

The system developed by Visionnaire for Soflinc with Kotlin technology works directly on card machines and is approved by Brazilian payment methods fintech Stone. Therefore, it offers different payment methods: cash, debit, credit, PIX and even courtesy when this is possible. Therefore, the solution serves practically any customer. There is also the ease of paying for the same order, partly with cash, partly with a card, for example. 

On the one hand, transactions are agile and efficient for buyers; on the other hand, sales terminals have additional features for sellers, such as sales reports, data analysis, the possibility of printing closing and cash reports, ease of canceling orders and refunding amounts, as well as integration with payment systems business management, facilitating the monitoring of business performance. All this with modern security technologies, such as encryption and authentication, which reduces the risk of fraud. 

Visionnaire specializes in adapting to the needs of each project. In this specific case, there were changes in direction that did not cause any type of compromise to the initial project. Adapting to changes is something that Visionnaire has known how to deal with for years. 

The development of the system was based on the modern, concise and static Kotlin programming language, designed to run on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and able to be compiled to JavaScript or native. Kotlin was adopted as the second official language supported by Google for developing Android applications and offers benefits such as seamless interoperability with Java, its conciseness and expressiveness, which leads to cleaner and less error-prone code. It also offers advanced functional programming capabilities and robust support for asynchronous programming, making it an attractive choice for developers seeking efficiency and simplicity. 

Other benefits include data type safety, strong community support, and compatibility with existing Java ecosystem tools and frameworks. In short, Kotlin offers a powerful and modern alternative for developing IT solutions, with significant benefits in terms of productivity, performance and code maintainability. 

The system developed by Visionnaire for Soflinc with Kotlin technology is approved by Stone and integrated directly into sales terminals, which brings several benefits to both buyers and sellers. In terms of ease of payment, sales terminals provide convenience to customers, allowing them to pay for their purchases quickly and efficiently, whether with credit, debit cards or other electronic forms of payment. In terms of payment diversity, many sales terminals support a variety of payment methods, including credit and debit cards, digital wallets and even contactless payments (NFC). When it comes to security, the use of sales terminals implies safer transactions, with the protection of technologies such as encryption and authentication, reducing the risk of fraud. 

In terms of business management, modern sales terminals often come with additional features such as sales reporting, data analysis and integration with business management systems, making it easier to track business performance. And in the area of agility in transactions, the use of sales terminals speeds up the payment process, reducing queues and providing a more efficient experience for customers.

Detailed Problem
Soflinc is a company from Curitiba, Brazil, that offers Information Technology services whose goal was to develop a system aimed at payments in establishments that operate especially at night. It was necessary for the application to be integrated directly into sales terminals. 

Detailed Solution
Visionnaire has more than 27 years of experience in the software development market, with professionals specialized in the most varied technologies. This specific project was conducted in the Outsourcing mode, that is, a team of highly specialized developers from Visionnaire was responsible for creating the system according to Soflinc's needs. 

Visionnaire has a long history of partnerships with our client teams, and this Success Story is yet another example. Our specialized developers maintained constant contact with the Soflinc team, which was essential for quickly adapting to the customer's needs. The relationship based on a partnership is what allows the project to not be harmed even with changes in direction. 

Visionnaire specializes in adapting to the needs of each project. In this specific case, there were changes in direction that did not cause any type of compromise to the initial system. Adapting to changes is something that Visionnaire has known how to deal with for years. 

On a technical level, Java and Kotlin technologies were used to develop the application for sales processing that offers different payment methods: cash, debit, credit, PIX and even courtesy when this is possible. Thanks to the system's extensive compatibility, it is possible to pay for the same order partly with cash, partly with card, for example. The system developed by Visionnaire for Soflinc with Kotlin technology works directly on card machines and is approved by Stone. Therefore, the solution serves practically any customer.

On the one hand, transactions are agile and efficient for buyers; On the other hand, sales terminals have additional features for sellers, such as sales reports, data analysis, the possibility of printing closing and cash reports, ease of canceling orders and refunding amounts, as well as integration with payment systems. business management, facilitating the monitoring of business performance. All this with modern security technologies, such as encryption and authentication, which reduces the risk of fraud. 

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Visionnaire   Outsourcing   Java   Android   Software Development   System   Success Case   Kotlin   Success Story   Stone   Sales   Payments   Sales Terminals