leadlovers - Recruitment and selection of professionals
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leadlovers - Recruitment and selection of professionals

Visionnaire leverages and maximizes the entire process of selection of professionals for leadlovers

Digital Marketing
leadlovers was looking for a partner company that would make the entire process of mapping, searching, recruiting, and selecting new professionals, in the most diverse areas of activity, for its team of collaborators in a judicious and collaborative way.
Visionnaire is a leadlovers partner and offers a complete job recruitment and selection of professionals, from the dissemination of vacancies, through the network of contacts, to the final opinion of approval for the hiring of a new employee.
Visionnaire presents great results through this partnership. More than 15 professionals hired so far, with great assertiveness and exceptionally low level of disapproval in the results of selective processes. Satisfaction by contractors and contractors.
In this process of recruitment and selection of professionals, search mechanisms, search in professional bank, disclosure of vacancies online and in corporate social media, recruitment and selection sites, ads, hunting in universities, among others, are used.
Detailed problem:
Digital Marketing company leadlovers needed to assemble a team with diverse profiles of trained professionals, but did not have an internal structure that could carry out the entire process of advertising vacancies, searching, selecting, application of tests and interviewing for the adoption of new employees. This whole task needed to be done within a previously estimated budget.
Detailed solution:
Visionnaire receives the job description and initiates a careful process to identify the professional in the market with the appropriate profile for the vacancy requested by the client. We advertise the vacancy on recruitment and selection sites, social media, and advertisements at universities, among others.
In addition to publicizing vacancies, we have specific hunting activities (directed search for talent). This technique allows searching for the best professionals in the job market to occupy the positions, according to the requested profile. This service makes the recruitment process more agile and brings the advantage of hiring highly qualified professionals within the Information Technology job market.
In addition, Visionnaire is a company that has been operating in the specific field of software development for over 20 years, therefore, it has an extraordinarily rich and highly qualified network of contacts. We contact and ask professionals to register on our website, and automatically all information and CVs are stored in our CV database. With the search filter tool, we locate the candidate according to the profile requested more quickly and agility.
We screen the resumes and invite the professionals to the interview. Visionnaire conducts a personal, technical and competency interview, in addition to researching references from previous jobs. In this phase, tests of specific knowledge of the area, logical reasoning, and interviews with the managers of each area are applied.
We forward the candidates' report with the results to the client, who is responsible for the final assessment for the professional's admission. Subsequently, we consult the criminal records of approved candidates, before hiring. If necessary or requested, the application of a test and psychological report, we have a professional qualified to carry out the tests.


Case brochure 
Case presentation 

Assuntos relacionados a:
Fábrica de Software   recrutamento   DINFO   Desenvolvimento de Sistemas   Profissionais de TI   Recrutamento e seleção de profissionais de TI   Parceria em desenvolvimento profissionais   profissionais da informática