
WebPublication© Solution that organizes and centralizes content management


With Visionnaire WebPublication it is possible to generate, publish and manage the content of your Portal / Site in an easy, fast and decentralized way. Robust and customizable platform, regardless of the size and complexity of your business


Easy Management - Visionnaire | WebPublication

Easy Management

It has a constantly updated and easy to navigate interface that facilitates content management on the platform.

Customizable - Visionnaire | WebPublication


Developed for the specific needs of each company, with the possibility of adding or removing custom modules.

Content Diversity - Visionnaire | WebPublication

Content Diversity

It is possible to make publications in the most diverse formats: news, agendas, photo gallery, audio and videos, banners, forums, widgets, wiki, polls, questionnaires and forms.

Access Hierarchy - Visionnaire | WebPublication

Access Hierarchy

It has a strict control of access and permissions on the platform, providing its users with the customization of approval flows, organizing the entire content publishing process.

Content Planning - Visionnaire | WebPublication

Content Planning

It allows you to schedule publications or schedule the removal of content on specific dates, a very useful tool that guarantees time savings in your online communication strategies.

SEO Tools - Visionnaire | WebPublication

SEO Tools

100% integrated with Google Analytics, it has the functionality of integrated search and the customized creation and development of pages that facilitate the SEO(Search Engine Optimization) work and its online presence.


Internal Communication

Visionnaire's CMS solution allows your company to communicate quickly and fluidly by eliminating bureaucratic processes and endless personal meetings, bringing benefits to the entire organization.

Windows Integration

Create an integrated network with your existing Microsoft Windows network through customizations that can be performed with internal ERP(Enterprise Resource Management), CRM(Customer Relationship Management) and unified login systems


Our CMS(Content Management System) solution allows the creation of workflows making your team interact quickly and distributed in the process of publishing content on your Intranet.


Our solution allows users to control access to sites and sub-sites in a secure and unified way, with the implementation of access levels by component, it is possible to manage users in the way you want.

Single Login

Eliminate countless logins on internal systems by deploying an SSO(Single Sign On) solution with a unified login integrated with your internal local network.

Information Reliability

Keep internal information safe and secure, managing access levels and implementing internal audits that allow you to know all the details of access to information.


WebPublication© has a strict control of access and permissions on the platform, providing its users with the customization of approval flows, organizing the entire content publishing process.



In companies that use Microsoft Sharepoint(Yammer) as the basis for their Intranet, we integrate it so that Visionnaire's solution works seamlessly with Sharepoint, as well as with other Microsoft products such as SQL Server and Dynamics.

Social Networks

With Visionnaire's solution, it is possible to implement an internal corporate social network for its employees, in addition, a customized implementation of HumHub, Yammer(Sharerpoint) or other market solutions can be carried out.

Active Directory and LDAP

We integrate the Intranet with other internal systems of your company through Windows AD(Active Directory) using the LDAP(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) protocol, that way you don't need to change anything on your corporate local network and still allow single login on all the systems.


Our solution allows the use of any database, we work with the main relational databases such as Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL and PostgreSQL, cloud databases such as Google Cloud SQL, Azure SQL, Amazon Aurora and Redshift, and also non-relational databases (NoSQL) like Cassandra, MongoDB and Elastic.

Custom Design

Visionnaire's CMS(Content Management System) for Intranets allows the creation of a customized and responsive design, following your company's layout standards and visual identity guides, making employees feel familiar with the solution from the very beginning. first day.


We implemented a security service following OMG(Object Management Group) standards so that all interactions with the Intranet are reliable, allowing control of access by profile, user level, workflow and with information auditing.


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