Outsourcing, Recruitment & Selection and Hunting, Visionnaire is your IT Partner
Demands of IT (Information Technology) professionals are at an historic peak: there is an estimated shortage of IT manpower that adds up to three million professionals each year in the world. Visionnaire has been working with allocation, outsourcing, recruitment & selection, hunting and outsourcing for years. We know the secrets of the business. Talk to Visionnaire and create or expand your team with qualified and experienced professionals who will create value for your projects.
Get speed and agility in contracting and closing IT projects with Visionnaire professionals.
In 2017, the new outsourcing law was sanctioned in Brazil, allowing temporary hiring and legalizing the outsourcing of core activities.
Count on the best talent for your mission critical projects, we are a reference company in the IT market.
We work exhaustively in the search of the exact professional for your needs using technology and processes.
We take your company into the new digital age, transforming products and services to adapt to the new generation.
We carry out immersion programs in the most modern software development technologies, following processes that we use internally.