We seek and select the Right Professional to work in Your Company
Do you need professionals hired directly by your company to multiply your team? Visionnaire handles the entire Recruitment & Selection (Headunting) process and finds the right professional for you. We have a team specialized in Human Resources (HR) to search and select professionals on a large scale using our network and modern technology. Talk to Visionnaire and start a search now!
We rely on Human Resources (HR) specialists, a network of Information Technology (IT) talent and modern tools for faster and more assertive searches.
We have been in the market for years and understand IT professionals. Our consultancy will be able to assist you in an assertive search and selection process.
We find the right professional, only getting paid if we are successful, we also offer a guarantee period to change the professional if necessary.
In the era of "work by purpose", the fit, or cultural fit, is more important than other factors. We study your culture to get the professionals right.
We work exhaustively in the search (or headhunting) of the exact professional for your needs, using technology and processes.
We pre-select professionals and refer them to your team to interview and decide: you work focused and already with results.
The IT (Information Technology) market is in a phase of high demand: qualified professionals are lacking in all companies, and, in most countries, competition in this market is fierce. Visionnaire works with ethics and professionalism in the search (headhunting), recruitment and selection of professionals, which has always guided us to be a reputable company in the market for more than two decades. Get to know Visionnaire and have the best professionals in your company.